We are proud to announce our assoaicizone's participation in the Movement Towards Circularity (M2C) Project, a program that brings together young innovators from Ukraine and Italy with the aim of promoting circular economy and sustainable solutions in the agriculture, alternative energy, and food industry sectors.
Officially launched on November 20, 2024, the M2C Project is an innovative collaboration featuring talented participants and experts from both countries, guided by mentors specializing in key sectors.
The Role of Manto Circular Lab
Our association dedicated to the promotion of sustainability and innovation, will play a central role in the prototype development stages and collaboration between Ukrainian and Italian youth.
More specifically we will support the co-design phase in Mantua (March 2025), where the 5 best Ukrainian projects will work together with the Italian participants, we will also facilitate the process of creating circular solutions, with a focus on prototyping, business development and with attention on the environmental and economic value of the ideas. We will offer our know-how for the development of sustainable models, aiming for a shared vision of a future.
Key Project Themes
During the program, participants will cover topics that are fundamental to the future of sustainability:
- Understanding corporate sustainability;
- Strategic approaches to innovation;
- Assessing the economic and environmental value of circular solutions;
- Business model development and product launch;
- Legal aspects and customer development.
The Future of This Collaboration
Stay tuned to follow the next steps in this journey. We are excited to see the results of this collaboration and the contribution of young participants in redefining the future of the circular economy.