Sociality, union and sustainability in our little world, from the In Verticale project, the
Green Bistrot

The summary event of the promoted In Verticale route was held on June 4th by the association, co-financed by Fondazione Comunità Mantovana onlus, in partnership with I.S. Enrico Fermi and I.S. Strozzi of Mantua. The training course included a cycle of theoretical and practical lessons to learn and manage innovative agriculture methods (aquaponics, hydroponics and aeroponics) applied to vertical farming, to which were added workshops and company matching aimed at career orientation and the promotion of one's profile professional. This is an opportunity to include the circular economy, peer education and the socio-work inclusion of young people with different abilities.
The Vertical Farm is an innovative type of urban agriculture that develops, as the name, vertically and which can therefore be built within city structures such as companies, offices, skyscrapers, internal courtyards, underground shelters and even containers. These centers of self-produced are compact, versatile and represent a revolutionary solution for the primary sector, local markets and the development of the social fabric of the city.
School, environmental sustainability and social inclusion are the cornerstones of the In Verticale project. Nei in the spring months the project took hold during training hours through the distance learning, which on the one hand has represented one of the limits to the sharing of a training course, on the other hand it allowed the development of ideas by the children. Ideas that they allow you to combine sustainability, healthy eating, inclusion and technological innovation. That's how it is that the guys at Fermi conceived the idea for the birth of @ The Green Bistrot.
@ The Green Bistrot was born and is part of the PCTO (Skills Paths) activities Transversal and Orientation) foreseen by the training offer plan of the Fermi of Mantua. Yes it's about a bistro that will potentially be created at Fermi, and which will allow kids to sell their products grown as healthy, genuine and at 0 km deriving from the vertical farm created by the the kids themselves with the help of the teachers and project managers.
We can only be proud of the kids who took part in the project and express a thanks to all those who made this training course possible. To see the extract of the Telemantova service: In Verticale &
The Green Bistrot – The interview with